Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this May
To contact the Parish Council please email clerk@headcornpc.org.uk
Parish Council News
Community Liaison Officer's Update
Headcorn’s Community Liaison Officer Stuart Ellesmere continues to be be extremely busy with his regular duties providing support and care around the community.
As a reminder, if you wish to report anything, if it is crime related then please report to Kent Police, either online of by calling 101. If it is a matter concerning support and care for parishioners then please get in touch with Stuart. You can reach him during normal office hours on 07415712307 or email communityliaison@headcornpc.org.uk
Stuart has also been busy organising a free Scam Talk which will be on June 20th between 3-4pm at the Heart of Headcorn. In addition another Community Forum will be held on 9th May at Costa from 12.30pm.

Electric Vehicle Parking/Charging
We are in the process of installing five dedicated EV charging bays, centrally-located in the village. More details will come as soon as they are finalised.

D-Day 80th Anniversary Event - 6th June
Plans are beginning to take shape for our celebration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day. There will be an event at Day’s Green after school to allow families to enjoy the celebrations with everyone. The lighting of the Beacon will be co-ordinated with the national lighting which commences at 9.15pm.
More details of the event will follow.

A well-earned Retirement!
The time has come for our Lengthsman Malcolm to retire after nine years. Malcolm was one of our first lengthsmen to take up the post and has provided a sterling service to the community and always found time to stop for a cheerful chat. He has willinging applied his enviable engineering skills to much of the work needed around the village, including production of Headcon’s beacon. He will continue with his metalworking projects as time allows. Malcolm will be very much missed, not just by his fellow lengthsmen and the Parish Council as a whole, but also by everyone in the community. We wish him a long and happy retirement.

Come and say hello!
The Parish Council will once again be supporting the Headcorn School PTFA May Fair at Day’s Green on 6th May. So please do stop by and say hello! There will be a children’s treasure hunt, guess the sweets in the jar, you can find out more about the 80th Anniversary of D-Day event and Headcorn in Bloom competition. You can also find general parish council information and meet some of our councillors.

Defibrillator & Self Defence Training
The Parish Council will soon be arranging some free defibrillator and self-defence training. If this is something you would be interested in then please get in touch to register your interest.

Finger Post Sign
In the next day or so our lengthsmen team will be installing a smart new finger post sign at the traffic lights on Day’s Green. This is markedly more handsome than it’s predecessor which you can see here!

Commemorative Benches
The Parish Council are very pleased to have installed two new benches at Parsonage Meadow. The first is to commemorate Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee, the second is to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles last year.